ZZ Demo page (to be deleted) - contact Julie Rashid

Avoid embedding documents, calendars, and other webpages. Use descriptive links instead.

Avoid using bold formatting (the "B" button in the text area tools) to create headings or subheadings. Use the appropriate heading level (Heading 2, Heading 3, etc.) from the "Format" dropdown in the text area tools instead.

Heading (NO)

Heading (YES)

Avoid creating menu-like lists of sub-pages or sub-content in the body or right sidebar of a "parent" page. Instead, create overview content in your "parent" page, then as you create each sub-page, use the "Parent link" setting under "Menu settings" in the right sidebar to structurally situate the sub-page in the site hierarchy. This will make Drupal show the subpage links in the parent page's left sidebar menu.