UL Professional Development Leaves


Professional development leaves are an opportunity for Academic Professional and Administrative (P/A) staff members to enhance an individual’s professional knowledge, skills, and performance in ways that substantially relate to or enhance an individual's role or potential role in the University Libraries. Professional development leaves should be designed to benefit not only the individual, but also the individual's unit and the institution through enhanced skills, reputation, or performance. Leaves may be requested for: study, research, scholarly writing, artistic projects, and curriculum development. These leaves are not entitlements, therefore proposals must meet certain criteria and require approval. 

In general, applications are submitted in early spring, reviewed in late spring, and awarded leaves may begin after the start of next fiscal year. A review committee, appointed by the University Librarian, evaluates applications.  A final decision is made by the University Librarian.

Call for Applications

The University Librarian will issue an annual call for professional development leave applications for leaves to begin in the next fiscal year. Applicants should work with their supervisors and Department Directors to develop a plan for coverage of position responsibilities during the leave. Signatures and assessment by the relevant Department Director and Associate University Librarian are required as part of the application, which is submitted to the Senior Program Advisor and Researcher, Jennie Burroughs ([email protected]). 

Individuals may apply for a six week mini-leave, three month short-term leave, or a thirteen to forty-eight week extended professional development leave. 

Characteristics of Successful Proposals

Applicants should prepare a proposal that documents the components, work plan, and outcomes of the leave. The proposal must document a project, special study, or program of activity that will:

  • strengthen and enrich the applicant's knowledge and understanding,
  • enhance the applicant's professional performance and contributions, and
  • substantially relate to the applicant's role or potential role in the University Libraries, (Note: involvement in professional organizations, including attending and presenting at local, regional, or national meetings does not constitute professional development leave under University policy.)

Proposals should include (as applicable):

  • a clear statement of goals and/or hypothesis
  • evidence of detailed planning, including prior relevant research
  • methodology for research
  • detail dependency on Libraries' staff effort or resources such as programming, server support, or data extractions
  • the applicant’s background and experience to carry out the proposed project, and how it fits into the applicant’s career path and repertoire.
  • a description of  how the project, or a significant portion thereof, will be completed during the leave (e.g., detailed work plan with benchmark activities)
  • indication of the significance of the project and potential for impact within the profession or the field.
  • significance of project to professional goals, potential contribution to the applicant’s knowledge and understanding, expertise
  • plans for publication or other methods of sharing the project’s outcomes.
  • sustainability plan for the project (if applicable) 

Planning for a Leave

Planning for a leave should occur with substantial lead-time and discussion with one’s supervisor. While a leave isn’t required to attain continuous appointment or promotion, it is a tool that can help individuals in that process. 

It is expected that applicants will consult their supervisors and directors during the development of the proposal.

Provisions and Terms

Eligibility for Leave

Professional development leaves are awarded based on:

  • A history of meritorious job performance,
  • years of service,
  • criteria established within the Libraries,
  • consideration of other leaves previously granted to the applicant,
  • assessment by Professional Development Leave Screening Committee, and
  • approval by the University Librarian

Mini-Leave: 6 weeks

  • Eligible after one year of service

Short-Term Leave: 12 weeks

  • Eligible at the beginning of the fourth year of service; an additional four years of service must occur between each twelve week leave. The individual may be on a probationary, a continuous, or an annual appointment and may apply during his/her/their third year of service for a leave to be awarded during the fourth year.

Extended-Leave: 13-48 weeks

  • Eligible after six years of service; an additional six years of service must be provided between each four to twelve month leave. The individual maybe on a continuous or an annual appointment.

Income and Benefits During Leave

Salary and Benefits

  • Mini-Leave: 6 weeks, Full salary and full benefits
  • Short-Term leave: 12 weeks,  Full salary and full benefits
  • Extended-Leave:13-48 weeks, One-half salary and full benefits
    • Income Augmentation: With the approval of the University Librarian or designee, the individual on an Extended-Leave may augment his/her/their income approximately to the level of  his/her/their regular University of Minnesota salary, provided that the activities yielding the additional compensation are consistent with the purpose of the leave.
    • University-approved consulting activities that do not conflict with the purpose of the leave and comply with University policy shall not be included in determining the level of permissible income.
    • Expenses related to the purpose of the leave may also betaken into account in determining the level of permissible income.
    • Weeks 1-12 are paid at full salary and full benefits
    • Weeks 13-end of leave (max 48 weeks) are paid at one-half salary and full benefits

Sick and Vacation Time

While on leave, individuals accrue sick and vacation time, and are eligible to take vacation or sick leave, which should be reported to the supervisor in the normal way. Taking sick or vacation leave during the professional development leave does not extend the duration of the leave. Extraordinary circumstances, such as significant illness requiring disability leave, will be handled case by case. Please contact the Director of Human Resources and Organization Development.  

Grants and Scholarships

While on a professional development leave, the individual may accept grants or scholarships to defray travel, study or research expenses.


Prior to Leave

Individuals should develop a plan, including a timeline, for managing work-related communications before and during the leave. The plan should identify individuals and groups to be notified of the leave in advance, appropriate methods of communication, and reasons for communications during the leave.

Supervisors are responsible for submitting a Staffing Action Form (SAF) to Libraries HR reflecting the official dates for the professional development leave.


Within one month of the return to work, the individual shall report the results of the leave activity as specified in the application to the University Librarian with copies to the Associate University Librarian, Department Director, Jennie Burroughs, and Libraries Human Resources. The report should detail accomplishments of the goals in the proposal and expected outcomes.  The report will become part of the individual’s personnel record and dossier.

Returning to Work

Individuals granted professional development leaves must return to the Libraries for a full academic year or its equivalent after completion of the leave, unless waived by the University Librarian or designee. 

Individuals who do not return or return for only a portion of the time due and have not been granted a written waiver by the University Librarian or designee must reimburse the University for all or a prorated amount of the salary, retirement contributions, and value of benefits received during the leave.

Duties while on leave

While on leave, individuals are relieved of all regular University duties. It is the responsibility of the applicant, supervisor and, as appropriate, director and AUL to determine how those responsibilities will be covered. Leaves do not have to be taken all at once. Leaves can be broken up to better accommodate individual or unit needs. In extraordinary circumstances leave recipients may retain limited job responsibilities. 

It is the responsibility of the unit supporting the leave to determine if and how coverage of the responsibilities and associated funding will be provided. To make it possible for all P/A staff members to have the opportunity to apply for professional development leaves, Libraries’ units should utilize all viable means for covering responsibilities of individuals on leave.

Review and Approval Process

The University Librarian shall appoint a Professional Development Leave Screening Committee to review all leave applications. The screening committee shall include P&A staff members of the University Libraries who have previously been granted development leaves. All leave requests are evaluated to assess both their individual and relative merit. To provide probationary appointees with additional opportunity to meet the criteria for continuous appointment, special considerations will be given to requests for probationary librarians when ranking applications.

Screening committee members shall receive copies of the applications, which should include:

The screening committee shall review and submit the applications in ranked order to the University Librarian, with comments that explain the individual rankings based on established leave criteria. 

The University Librarian will review the screening committee's report and notify applicants of his/her/their decision. 

The screening committee shall exist for a full calendar year to consider applications which may be received outside the review period due to special circumstances.

Rescinding a Leave

A professional development leave may be rescinded if P/A employees are given a notice of non-reappointment or termination of appointment. 

University Procedures

Professional Development Leave Policy, Office of Human Resources

Past Recipients

The application deadline for Professional Development Leaves will be announced early in the calendar year. Applicants must indicate an intent to apply for a leave to their supervisor and AUL by a prior date (to be included in the call for applications).