Furniture and Non-Computer Equipment Committee (FNCE)

The Furniture and Non-Computer Equipment (FNCE) Committee is responsible for organizing and implementing the annual FNCE process. The FNCE process is held in the fall of most years and is an opportunity for Libraries staff to upgrade their equipment and facilities for projects costing $5,000 or less. Funds can be used to improve staff work areas or public areas of buildings.  An email is sent to all Library staff in early fall alerting them to the year's timeline. The Committee then collects eligible FNCE requests from employees, gathers input and approvals from supervisors, and then makes a recommendation to cabinet regarding the prioritization and spending of budgeted funds.

The 2022-23 FNCE Committee members are:

  • Sue Hallgren (Chair)
  • Jason Roy
  • Emily Reimer
  • Amy Gmur
  • Nick Fugate (ex-officio)